RazorSQL 10 is a powerful program for database administration, it can work with SQL queries, it can simply view the database, or it can edit them, in general, any database is now under your complete control! From the second screenshot you can clearly see which databases this software can work with, you just need to select the one you are interested in from the list, then specify the necessary data for connection, namely login, password, host and others, then the program will connect and display you the tables with which you can directly start working.

This is really very convenient, I use similar software myself, although rarely. I did not find Russian support, this is of course a minus, since the abundance of possibilities can send a simple user into a stupor, although on the other hand, a simple user will not connect to the DB, and an average person, like me, is able to understand the main points.

Once you have access to the database, you can fully administer it, use search, edit, monitor, execute queries, in general, do everything that you are used to, just in a convenient shell. By the way, regarding the crowbar, to run the generator (at the time of writing the article, the generator is in the archive), it is written in Java, so to successfully run it, you need to install the Java SDK in the system, I think this is not a problem and most people have this thing, my job is to warn you so that there is no misunderstanding later.

For environments with multiple DBMS systems and users on different platforms, RazorSQL is hard to beat. Many use this software for MSSQL Server, Oracle, Greenplum, PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB. It connects, runs and performs all the syntax highlighting in any of these environments, no questions asked. The ability to keep the SQL IDE when switching from Windows to Linux Mint is a great feature.

RazorSQL Features:

  • Database Navigator for browsing database objects;
  • SQL Editor for creating SQL queries;
  • Visual tools for creating, editing,
  • dropping, defining, modifying, and browsing tables, views, indexes, and sequences;
  • Visual Tools for creating, editing, dropping, andexecuting stored procedures, functions, and triggers;
  • A robust program editor that includes the powerful EditRocket code editor that supports 20 programming languages, including SQL, PL/SQL, TransactSQL, SQL PL, HTML, XML, and more;
  • Export Tool – export data to a variety of formats;
  • Import Tool – import data from delimited, Excel, or fixed-width files into tables;
  • Ships with a built-in relational database engine (HSQLDB) that is up and running out of the box and requires no end-user administration;
  • Generate DDL tool to generate table, view and index DDL;
  • Table/SQL Query Compare tool to compare tables or queries over multiple connections;
  • Database Data Search tool to search one or more database tables and view data;
  • Database Object Search tool to search database objects;
  • Backup tools such as Database Backup tool and Table Backup tool;
  • Database Conversion tools for many popular databases;
  • Automatic Column and Automatic Table Finder;
  • SQL Formatter;
  • SQL Query builder tool,
  • SQL Query Scheduler tool;
  • Command Line Interface;
  • PHP Bridges to connect to MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server databases remotely via PHP-enabled web servers;
  • ASP Bridge for remote access to MS SQL Server databases via ASP-enabled web servers;
  • SQL GUI Tools for generating SQL for various operations;
  • Edit, delete and insert database data in Database Editor;
  • Works with all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris and any other Java- compatible OS;
  • Testing with Apache Derby/JavaDB, Daffodil DB, DB2, DBASE, Firebird, FrontBase, H2, HSQLDB/HyperSQL, Informix, Ingres, Interbase, Mckoi, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Mimer SQL, MySQL, Netezza, OpenBase, Oracle, Pervasive, Pointbase, PostgreSQL, Solid, SQLite, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, Sybase SQL Anywhere and Teradata.