The most trouble-free ten, just install this Windows 10 in Russian and you already have a cured operating system with the office installed and without unnecessary junk. Download Windows 10 activated Pro 20H2 x64 + Office torrent for free and install via USB flash drive. In this build, Office 2019 comes as a set with Windows 10, is installed automatically, and is also activated automatically. This is very useful software for both home and work.

All documents, tables, presentations are opened, created and edited without any problems. The assembler has completely competently integrated this package, so no one usually has any problems with the operation of Office. Windows 10 was not configured too much, almost all settings are standard, so reliability is the highest. The capabilities of Office 2019 are the best today, so for home and office, this build is one of the most optimal. People who work with texts will be most pleased with such a stable modern system. It is a pleasure to work in the latest release of Office, because Microsoft has perfected all aspects of editing electronic documents.

This includes high-quality spell checking, the ability to integrate Web elements, and a built-in protection system against malware in downloaded documents. Of course, you can download Windows 10 and Office separately, installing it yourself is not a problem, but thanks to this assembly, you will speed up the installation process (and activation at the same time). Moreover, not all users have enough skills to properly activate the office suite, and in this case you don’t even have to worry about it. Everything is provided and provided, but the installation may take a little longer than the usual Win 10 (since autoactivation of Office 2019 may require additional time). By the way, the Office 2019 office suite of programs is the most popular in the world, any other analogues are rather weak competitors in terms of quality.


PC/laptop requirements: multi-core processor with 2+ GHz and higher, 4+ GB RAM, HDD/SSD 32+ GB, video with DX9.
A set of added office programs from the 2019 set: Word, Publisher, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint.

Main technical features

  • All updates are already in the image (this is immediately visible from the build version).
  • Activation is completely and fully automated. Absolutely no user actions are required for it.
  • The system can be updated.
  • If OneDrive is needed, OneDriveSetup.exe is launched from the desktop.
  • All components are in place, except for this, .NET Framework 3.5 is included.

System settings

  • Hints and tips are disabled along with recommendations.
  • No forced system restarts after installing updates! Only by user decision.
  • Explorer will open “This PC” when launched.
  • User folders in “This PC” (in Explorer) have been removed.
  • No history of open folders/files is kept.
  • Updates will not be installed automatically, but the user will be notified of their presence.
  • Telemetry is disabled. Neither Office nor Windows will leak important user data.
  • Added “This PC” icon, will be immediately on the desktop.
  • Recommended or advertising software from Microsoft will not be installed by itself.

High-quality and tested configuration

This assembly is not as easy to produce as it may seem at first glance. There are a number of nuances with Office activation (and here it is automatic), and with the choice of the overall optimal configuration. The LaMonstre assembler successfully coped with all these tasks. All the settings are very competently selected. By the way, many users liked the previous version of this assembly. In general, it is very convenient: you install Windows, and immediately have Office, because in the future it will certainly come in handy in the vast majority of cases.

Additional information

This system will not only prove itself excellent in office tasks. It has all the necessary components for any required user purposes and needs. System protection was not disabled, components were not cut out – in general, this is exactly the universal option that will be a win-win for home and work. The LaMonstre assembler, for his part, tried to automate everything as best as possible so that even a beginner could handle the installation. Such Windows without advertising, annoying notifications and sudden auto-updates will probably appeal to almost everyone. In games, it will also prove itself better than the original, since there are significantly fewer background processes here (since telemetry is disabled). So in all respects, such an assembly is very necessary and reliable, it is approved by the portal, and we hope that you will also appreciate all its advantages. The ISO images allow a browser installer and some user changes by default for the Chrome browser, everyone can easily change the browser settings to their preferred ones. All author’s assemblies are checked for viruses before being published on the site. The ISO image is opened via dism, and all contents are scanned by an antivirus for malicious files.