SQL Delta for SQL Server 6 Free Download
SQL Delta is a useful tool for comparing the schema and data of two different databases, implemented in this release for SQL Server databases. With this program, you can easily compare the structure of databases, view and compare their data, and if necessary, even synchronize the data and structure of two databases.
In addition to the comparative capabilities, this program is a beautiful and convenient interface for viewing tables and structures in your database, so you do not need external drives. In addition, this tool is based on a powerful text editor that can be used to display various scripts or write specific scripts to run on the database. These can be scripts for displaying data or for updating the schema structure.
This program will help you compare and synchronize schemas and data for SQL Server database. Ability to compare new as ignoring details, encryption keys or varchar / nvarchar in. Schema view has a new function to delete and create a register copy to include published changes in the database. SQL Delta for SQL Server each process runs in separate threads, you can view or even run the update script wait until this process compare other complete.
Features of SQL Delta for SQL Server
- Added support for SQL Server 2019 and support for changes, in SQL Azure – this will be
- Improved analysis depends on when creating a script.
- Improved handling of new data categories.
- Schema comparison shows a new icon when it is necessary to rebuild a table or columns can be automatically mapped
- Difference warning for comparing a schema temporary table
- Download a new series of SQL Delta projects current
- Ability to compare new how to ignore the details of the key encryption or type of schema type varchar / nvarchar in a new function to delete and create a registry copy so that was published to the database of changes
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