JP Software Take Command 32 is a great program that allows you to expand the capabilities of the command line. It supports all existing CMD.EXE commands, and also adds a huge number of new commands, giving the tool greater flexibility. The application includes a built-in batch file editor and debugger, commands implement access to files via FTP and HTTP, access to the network file system, integration with Active Scripting, system monitoring commands and Windows service management.

You get new file management capabilities, can add or exclude files from any command, create aliases for frequently used commands, view history log, conduct advanced search, use copy, delete, move functions, etc.

It is a combination of an improved command processor, GUI shell, text file viewer, development environment, execution and debugging of scripts and a number of auxiliary utilities, such as ftp, ta, zip/unzipr, completely replacing the command processor. This is not a black console screen with white text in the style of DOS, but a normal MDI program, with a possible number of tabs up to 25, having a main window with a menu, etc., in which you can enter commands, and a built-in file navigator.

Naturally, the application can work with all the commands of the standard, but also adds about a thousand, if not more, new commands, which gives the tools greater flexibility. With Take Command, you can create aliases for frequently used commands, an excellent command line editor, you can view the history log, conduct an advanced search, it will allow you to quickly move to any folder in the system.

Take Command can easily expand the Windows command processing file, you can use the functions of copying, deleting, moving, and so on. FTP server support will appear. The interface is very convenient, there is Russian support, enjoyable work to all!


  • Take Command allows you to modify and re-execute previous commands with a robust command line editor, providing flexibility and saving valuable time
  • The program extends its capabilities to copy, delete, move and rename batches of files and folders, ensuring optimal data organization
  • The directory search extension allows you to modify folders located anywhere in the system, making navigation through files and folders more efficient
  • The built-in file viewer includes scrolling, searching and printing functions, making browsing files
  • easy and intuitive
  • The software can select or exclude files by various
  • parameters, such as date, time, size, wildcard, providing exceptional
  • flexibility, especially in the file manager
  • You are given support to redefine and create new
  • commands to solve your tasks, even assign frequently
  • used commands to specific keyboard shortcuts, which allows you to optimize your workflow and improve
  • efficiency of work
  • Take Command provides secure direct access to FTP, TFTP and HTTP (including SSL) directories and files in all
  • command processing files
  • Allows convenient configuration both through interactive dialog boxes and directly in
  • the command line
  • The program supports description files up to 511 characters long, providing enough space for additional
  • information that may not fit in the file name.