JetBrains PyCharm Pro 2023 is another interesting program from JetBrains, this time it is an intelligent Python IDE that has everything you need to be able to develop in Python as efficiently as possible. Pay attention to this point, the code inspection will be carried out on the fly, plus it can rely on the information that was received by the program during the execution of the code, navigation through it.

Since we have a professional version, you will get a fully functional IDE that can easily work with the Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, web2py frameworks, if we write about language support, the list is as follows: javascript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, Cython and some others. It is possible to develop remotely, you can work with a database and the SQL language. The editor can easily find duplicate code.

I completely forgot to add, there is syntax highlighting, there is an auto-formatting and auto-indentation function. Code navigation is made as convenient as possible for work, everything is close by and very neat. Of course, there is autocompletion, you write the code, the program offers to complete it, you can use ready-made code templates, perform a compatibility check and much more.

In general, after you have purchased the full key, you need to activate PyCharm Professional Edition, for this we install and run it, then enter the received activation code in a special registration window, the activation code will perform a check and report the result, you can then select a license server, this will open a second menu in which you can already add the license server address and use all the functions without restrictions. I repeat, we have a cure in the archive in the form of a crack file, plus instructions, read carefully!

The program has a preview window for checking your code, there is refactoring, which will allow you to make some serious changes to your project as quickly as possible. I think it is better to read the rest on the official website, everything is described there as much as possible. Naturally, for work you need to install Python on the system, I wrote this for those who do not understand what is being discussed and just want to look at the program, without Python you will not be able to test it.

To sum it up, you have a really powerful program for working with the Python programming language, which in turn is an excellent solution for users who want to create applications using object-oriented programming.

The main advantages of the program:

  • A powerful and functional code editor with syntax highlighting, auto-formatting and auto-indentation for supported languages.
  • Simple and powerful code navigation.
  • Code writing assistance, including auto-completion, auto-import, code templates, checking for language interpreter version compatibility, and much more.
  • Quick viewing of documentation for any element directly in the editor window, viewing external documentation via a browser, docstring support – generation, highlighting, auto-completion and much more.
  • A large number of code inspections.
  • Powerful code refactoring, which provides ample opportunities for making quick global changes in the project.
  • Full support for the latest versions of the Django framework.
  • Google App Engine support.
  • Support for IronPython, Jython, Cython, PyPy wxPython, PyQt, PyGTK and others.
  • Support for Flask framework and Mako and Jinja2 languages.
  • Editor for Javascript, Coffescript, HTML/CSS, SASS, LESS, HAML.
  • Integration with version control systems (VCS).
  • UML class diagrams, Django and Google App Engine model diagrams.
  • Integrated Unit testing.
  • Interactive consoles for Python, Django, SSH, debugger and databases.
  • Full-featured graphical debugger (Debugger).
  • Support for the most popular IDE/editors. such as Netbeans, Eclipse, Emacs, VIM editor emulation.
  • Supported languages: Python (Versions: 2.x, 3.x), Jython, Cython, IronPython, PyPy, Javascript, CoffeScript, HTML/CSS, Django/Jinja2 templates, Gql, LESS/SASS/SCSS/HAML, Mako, Puppet, RegExp, Rest, SQL, XML, YAML.
  • PyCharm has several color schemes, as well as customizable code syntax highlighting.
  • Integration with bug/issue trackers such as JIRA, Youtrack, Lighthouse, Pivotal Tracker, GitHub, Redmine, Trac…
  • A huge, constantly updated collection of plugins.
  • Cross-platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux).