Ashampoo Snap Portable 15 is the perfect solution for creating video tutorials, presentations for school or work. Capture the active window, the full screen or any area and even open a website. In addition, it has many features such as pip (picture in picture), OCR – text recognition, and an integration engine for editing video files in real time (directly).

This portable version of the program also allows you to record video from your computer screen on your desk – even in 4K resolution! The software easily integrates with external applications for editing and processing video. Instantly recognizes text on the page and scans. Do you want to access your photos from anywhere? I’ve got you covered: send photos by email, save them on your Ashampoo space, or upload them to all popular cloud services (Dropbox, OneDrive from Microsoft, Google Drive).

With this convenient program you can create screenshots, that is, take screenshots. After creating a picture, you can immediately send it to the built-in graphic editor, there you can add all sorts of effects with simple and clear tools, you can place any text, apply various shadows, if desired, you can roll back all actions an infinite number of times, of course, you can change the size.

The interface looks quite original and stylish, Russian support is naturally present. All taken pictures can be immediately sent by e-mail. After starting the program, there will be a strip at the top of the screen, when you hover over it, the control panel will be displayed, there you can select the desired option or program parameters. Ashampoo Snap is free, like other products from this company, registered as simply as possible, just run .zip or activation patch and you can use all the features of the program without any restrictions.

Features of Ashampoo Snap Portable

  • The mobile version allows you to access.
  • The ability to create a photo collage with screenshots
  • The function to automatically change the resolution of the captured image before sending
  • The ability to save files in the output format WebP
  • The function of holding and continuing recording images
  • The program works in a multi-screen environment
  • Edit photo screen capture integrated
  • User interface (GUI).