Android Studio 2023 is a programming environment from Google designed to create Android applications. It contains a set of integrated tools, provides development, debugging and testing of programs. It is installed on Windows, OS X and Linux platforms, for correct operation it requires a screen resolution of at least 1280×800, 2 GB of free disk space and 3 GB of RAM.

Android Studio allows you to create applications and check them for compatibility with mobile devices. Requires the presence of SDK and JDK on the computer, to which the path must first be specified. Contains templates of the main Android components that facilitate the development of programs, since version 2.1 it supports working with Java 8 and the Jack compiler.

The software shell contains an advanced layout editor, allows you to use the Drag-and-Drop function when working with UI objects, supports previewing the result on screens with different configurations. The project window displays the application tree and Gradle scripts, provides for division into java, manifests and res sections. There is a utility for signing developed applications.

Android Studio is presented in several assemblies, is a full-fledged alternative to Eclipse and allows you to develop applications of any complexity. Contains tools designed for marking and packaging code, which simplifies the task when working with large volumes of software elements. The Gradle management system is used, which gives flexibility to the programming process. The developer is required to understand the architecture of Android programs, knowledge of Java and API languages.

It is possible to see all changes made to the project in real time. Provides a preview of the appearance of the application on different devices, with different system settings and screen resolutions. Google Cloud Messaging ensures the interaction of gadgets with the cloud service, allows you to send push notifications for applications. The new version 3.0.1, released in October 2017, added the Kotlin language toolkit, based on the JetBrains IDE.

Key features of Android Studio:

  • analyze code, find compatibility and performance issues;
  • develop applications for Android TV and Wear;
  • view project structure, visualize SDK contents;
  • localize the application, maintain full control over it;
  • drag and drop components using the user interface;
  • test performance on mobile devices;
  • use templates and assistants.