Advanced Installer Architect 20 is a powerful application designed to conveniently create installation packages in MSI format. It is ideal for developers and system administrators, providing incredibly wide functionality.

Despite its extensive capabilities, Advanced Installer provides an intuitive interface. You do not need to spend a lot of time on training or studying documentation. Just follow the logic of the program. With Advanced Installer, you can create installers for applications from Windows 7 to modern platforms. All your projects are saved in a convenient XML format, ready for use.

Among alternative solutions, Advanced Installer stands out with its user-friendly interface, making it a great choice for both experienced and newbies. The program allows you to create advanced shells for installation programs and set custom settings.

With Advanced Installer, you get access to rich functionality, including automatic test creation, reporting, lifecycle management, status tracking, version control, access control, and much more. Advanced Installer provides support for Microsoft App-V and VMware ThinApp technologies, which allows you to create virtual applications quickly and easily. The repository helps centralize project resources and share them.

In addition, there is a Repackaging feature, thanks to which you can easily standardize old applications by converting them into reliable MSI(X) packages. This helps you use the latest Windows Installer technologies.

Easy-to-use, fully graphical interface, no scripts to learn, no databases to edit, no XML to write. Wizard-based development, import of existing IDE projects, integration into automated build tools and source control systems. Hundreds of powerful features ready to use with just a few clicks. Tons of functionality customizable for your installers.

List of features and advantages:

  • Working with Java, C++, etc. applications;
  • Creating mixed installation packages with automatic Windows bitness detection;
  • Built-in templates and merge modules;
  • Configuring installed shortcuts and registry entries;
  • Configuring file associations;
  • Adding an activation key entry for the created package;
  • It is possible to update the installed package (if a new version is available);
  • Launching and testing the project in a virtual environment.