Wing IDE Pro 8 is a professional version of the program for working with the Python environment, now you can easily create any scripts and applications, test and debug, edit source code and all this thanks to this tool, it was developed not only for experienced users, beginners will also find it convenient to work with, you will get a multifunctional IDE (integrated development environment) with a large number of debugging options, plus tools for unit testing.

Type less text, and let Wing worry about the details. Get immediate feedback by writing your Python code interactively in a live execution environment. Easily navigate the code and documentation. Avoid common mistakes and find problems early with deep Python code analysis in Wing. Keep your code clean with intelligent refactoring and code quality checking.

Among the advantages of the Wing IDE program, you can download it for free with a key in this news, it is worth noting the flexible interface with the ability to fine-tune it and a large set of available options, you will get everything you need for professional consciousness of any scripts, from simple to completely autonomous applications in Python.

After launching, you will find an editor based on the tab system, the main window occupies most of the interface, everything else is displayed in an accessible form around it. You can split the interface into several separate panels, this is necessary in order to work with several files at once. In fact, you can completely customize the user interface to your needs.

The developers made it so that you are given a choice of tools, we mark the necessary ones, they will be displayed on the main window panel, you can also change the location of the toolbar, place it in a new window, for example, if necessary. There is also support for adjusting the parameters responsible for setting the font, you can change the keyboard functions, redistribute user keys. If we talk about the context menu, it can also be changed, or rather its list of elements.

Advantages of Wing IDE Pro 8:

  • The program has an additional set of tools without which it would be extremely difficult to work with it, for example, there is syntax highlighting, line numbering, the ability to collapse the code for faster work, a tool for automatically completing the started code is also present, you can create bookmarks for quickly moving through them in the future and breakpoints, there is a tool responsible for indentation, and you will also get wide opportunities for navigation and searching through files.
  • If there is a need to compare two different files, this can also be done without problems by selecting, you immediately see the difference between the documents. You can manage modules and access the Python shell itself using the IDE directly for this.
  • If you have a large number of tasks that need to be automated, there is a special macro recorder for this. Thanks to the debugger tool, you can quickly find errors in the code and fix them before saving the project. In addition, you will receive a testing tool, it will check your code for version compatibility.
  • As the authors write, they made a program that can meet the requirements of the most advanced Python programmers. If for some reason you feel that the tools are not as rich as you need, you can use third-party plugins. Some of them will help you create new features in the interface for convenience, which can allow you to work with whole applications.