JetBrains WebStorm 2023 Free Download
JetBrains WebStorm 2023 is a powerful integrated environment for developing web applications and UI testing in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It offers advanced autocompletion, refactoring, and code analysis features that speed up development and improve code quality. WebStorm also supports modern technologies such as Node.js, Angular, React, and Vue.js, and allows you to work with Git and Mercurial version control systems.
For UI testing, WebStorm has integration with Selenium and Playwright tools, allowing you to automate testing and write test scenarios. In addition, WebStorm provides tools for optimizing images, minifying code, and compiling Less and Sass files. Overall, JetBrains WebStorm is an excellent choice for professional JavaScript developers who value efficiency, performance, and reliability in their work.
Among the main features, we note code autocompletion, variable names, or PHP keywords. The tool also provides support for coding style and support for PHPDoc, Code Sniffer, or PHAR. The duplicate code recognition system will make your life easier, and refactoring will allow you to change names, add variables, constants, and fields, or conveniently move fixed parts.
With PhpStorm, you can manage your underlying code with hundreds of checks that monitor the code as you write it and analyze the integrity of the project. This way, you can write clean, error-free code that is very easy to maintain.
With the Smarty and Twig template editing feature, you will see highlighted syntax errors and, among other things, you will be able to automatically insert paired keys, feeds, and closing tags. The integration of the version control system in PhpStorm allows you to perform common tasks right in the development environment, and it is fully compatible with remote installation, databases, coding, and other tools.
Program capabilities:
- WebStorm provides automatic completion of styles, links, attributes and other code elements using the capabilities of HTML/XHTML and XML code.
- Completion of class code, HTML numbers, keywords, etc. is performed when working with CSS.
- The solution allows you to use the power of the Zen coding tool for HTML markup, displays the actions of the tag on the web page.
- WebStorm completes JavaScript code for keywords, labels, variables, parameters and DOM functions and supports the specific features of popular browsers.
- The JavaScript refactoring functions implemented in the solution allow you to transform the structure of code and files and .js.
- WebStorm provides debugging of JavaScript code and provides a wide range of capabilities: finding a breakpoint in HTML and JavaScript, setting breakpoint parameters, testing code syntax in real time, etc.
- Support for JQuery, YUI, Prototype, DoJo, MooTools, Qooxdoo and Bindows platforms.
- Integrated text checking with tags, code sequence, spelling errors, etc.
- Edit files and automatically sync them on demand when working remotely or storing.
- The version control function and preliminary versions of the code and records all actions and changes made.
- Thanks to the creation of history in WebStorm, you can restore code expressions, blocks and even entire files.
- JavaScript library organizer – structuring user projects using a large number of libraries.
- Improved scrollbar and notification rendering, spell checking in all editors, etc.
- Support for Mercurial – a version control system.
- Relax NG language support for XML – completion and validation of XML documents associated with Relax NG schemas
- Integration with GitHub – a service for developing open source software.
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