Deswik Suite 2023 is a comprehensive mining software solution designed to optimize mining operations from exploration to closure. Developed by Australian mining consulting and software company Deswik Pty Ltd, the software provides a range of tools and functionalities that help mining companies improve productivity, efficiency, and safety.

One of the key features of the application is its integrated platform, which allows mining companies to manage all data, models, and workflows in a single software package. The software includes modules for geological modeling, mine planning, surveying, scheduling, and production monitoring. The software also includes data visualization and analysis tools that can help users make informed decisions and optimize mining operations.

One of the key tools in the Deswik Suite is Deswik.CAD, a powerful and intuitive 3D design software package. It allows the user to create and model various objects such as mine workings, land areas, installations and mobile machines, as well as structures and constructions. Deswik.CAD has a user-friendly interface and a wide range of tools that allow you to create accurate and realistic models.

Another important component of the Deswik Suite is Deswik.Scheduler, a powerful tool for optimizing the scheduling of mining operations. It helps you create flexible and efficient work schedules by taking into account many factors such as equipment availability, labor resources, cost and material availability. Deswik.Scheduler also allows you to predict the impact of changes and experiment with different schedule options to find the best one.

Deswik Suite also includes Deswik.MDM (Master Data Management), a powerful solution for managing and analyzing data such as geological and geotechnical data, equipment performance data and cost data. Deswik.MDM makes it easy to collect, store, classify and analyze this data, which enables more accurate planning and decision making.

An important feature of Deswik Suite is its ability to effectively integrate with other systems and programs. For example, Suite can easily integrate with mine automation tools, fleet management and production management systems, as well as with enterprise resource planning and project management systems. This allows for data exchange and a single information space for all departments and services of the enterprise.

In conclusion, Deswik Suite is a modern and powerful software for planning and managing mining activities. It combines various tools that allow you to optimize all aspects of the mining industry, from design and planning to data and resource management. Deswik Suite provides ease of use, flexibility and accuracy in work, and also allows you to interact with other systems and programs for greater efficiency of the entire mining process.

Deswik Suite Features

  • A state-of-the-art graphics engine designed to handle large mining data sets with superior graphics performance.
  • Excellent metadata and attribute handling, providing GIS-style capabilities for 3D data analysis.
  • Advanced design and editing tools in a simple, modern and intuitive interface.
  • Manage information with a powerful formula builder instead of writing scripts.
  • Draw graphs quickly and intuitively using WYSIWYG principles.
  • Deswik.CAD integrates seamlessly with most mining and CAD packages.
  • Works independently or integrates with Deswik.CAD and Deswik.IS.
  • Use the Deswik.SViz or Deswik.vSched platforms to quickly visualize existing Deswik.CAD designs in 3D.
  • Create a network of sources, warehouses, landfills and factories to model the flow of materials and their transformation into products and waste using an intuitive graphical interface.